Discover Vienna

Austria tours for ALL occasions


Here is a thematic overview.

·        Classic - to the most interesting sights

·        Vienna for Connoisseurs

·        Jewish Vienna

·        Vienna and Surroundings

·        Erotic & Scandalous

·        Vienna 20th Century, WW I and II

·        Just for Fun & Action

·        Museums & Galleries

·        Cemeteries & Burial Grounds

·        Fin de Siécle

·        Capital of World Music

·        and many more theme tours

ALL tours are designed by Peter as unforgettable experiences, that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Please also ask for very individual tours, as a Vienna lover and certified Austria Guide, Peter really knows a lot.


Simply communicate your wishes and ideas in the message field below.

Important: Please communicate the desired date and duration of the tour.

You will then be contacted by email to arrange the details.


Depending on duration/ hours / theme of the Tour. The concrete price proposal will be announced with the reply email.

Not decided yet?
Also take a look at our other tours.
