Discover Vienna

Get Out of Your Corset!


Far too secret are also still the women who have made Vienna what it is. Emilie Flöge was one of them, who reformed fashion in her fashion salon in the Casa Picola on the "Rahlstiege". There are many more fascinating women to discover on our "Get out of the corset" tour.

Auch 2024, im 105. Jahr des Frauenwahlrechts ist die Frauengeschichte Wiens viele Spaziergänge wert.

More than muses - a walk on the traces of fascinating women in Vienna.

Mothers, muses, patronesses of men - what other role have women played in Vienna's history?

And today? Walking with me, you will discover that apart from the world-famous empress Maria Theresa, there were and are many other pioneering women in Vienna - pioneers in art, fashion, politics and science.


The meeting point for this Vienna tour will be announced when the ticket is confirmed.

duration: ca. 2,5 hours

As it´s a walking-tour, please choose comfortable shoes!

Here you find all dates for "Discover Vienna" group tours


Preis für eine exklusive Führung mit Ihrer Familie/FreundInnen und KollegInnen: € 200.-

Preis für die Teilnahme an einer Stadtführung zu fixen Terminen (in einer Kleingruppe): € 20,-

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